Pricing and Booking
When calling/texting you may need to leave a message if I am in a class. I will reach out as soon as I am available. I don't use an online booking platform because I want to talk with you so I am prepared to have you in class and it also allows me to keep prices down for my clients. Can't wait to meet you!
When I began my studio, it was important to me to provide maximum attention for each client and the only way to do that was through small group (semi-private) classes and private (one on one) sessions. Most studios make small group, or private lessons, unaffordable. My goal is to make practicing Pilates in the safest, most efficient, fun, and affordable way. I try to keep my costs down, so I can pass along the savings to my clients.
Private Lessons: 15% off second Private Session (unless a previous discount was given)
One-on-one sessions that are tailored to your individual fitness or rehabilitation needs.
Private Lessons available Monday - Friday (as availability allows)
Saturdays by appointment only
Call/Text to book a private session.
Most private lessons begin at $80 for 50 minutes. Other studios charge up to $150 per session. Weekends and midday classes are a premium price beginning at $90 for a 50 minute session.
*Medical/Rehabilitation/Modifications due to injuries, sessions may be higher depending on need and may require medical clearance from a doctor.*
Group Classes: 15% off first group booking
There are 2 group classes available: Regular Group class and Stretch Class
You chose a day and time that works best for you rather than fit your fitness around someone else's schedule, all classes are multi-level. Reserve one of only three reformers to participate in one of the classes. Regular Group class is designed to strengthen your core, improve balance, and build long lean muscle through a full body workout. The Restore Class is designed to restore your body by using trigger-point balls and foam rollers to loosen the grip between the facia and muscles, allowing the muscles to move more freely and help work on cellulite. Our Stretch Class is design to stretch the entire body through laying down, sitting, and standing movements to reduce stress, relax muscles, improve flexibility, and increase the connection between the mind and body.
Each class is 50 minutes.
Regular Group Classes are available:
Monday - Friday 4:30pm, 5:45pm, 7:00pm
Call/Text to book a reformer in a group class, once payment is received the reformer will be reserved.
Pricing $30 per class. Other studios charge up to $90 per semi-private lesson.